Stay in Position

One day while worshipping in our backyard, the Lord highlighted the tree that stands in the center of the yard. It is a tall tree with many branches and leaves. As I took in the wonder of this tree, my eyes could not help but see the roots, where the tree started.

Every tree started as a seed. And somehow it has become a tall life-giving structure with many branches and leaves. Because of this tree’s ability to stand and stay in position, branches formed, leaves grew, and the tree reached new heights. The Lord showed me how we, as believers, are like this tree. When we choose to stay in position, not wavering when the seasons come and go, we too, give birth to many branches that bear fruit. The fruit is not material things of this world. It is generations that are faithful to the Lord, salvation for lost souls, and ultimately, spiritual maturity as believers.

Whatever the Lord has assigned you to do, wherever it is that He has positioned you, stay there. It is only in that place that you will bear lasting fruit. Do not be moved by the leaves that fall or branches that are cut off as the Lord fashions you, stay in position. Even if the position or assignment of others’ seems more attractive, fun, or easy, be obedient.

Abandoning an assignment from the Lord is truly a lose-lose situation and only prolongs your harvest. Be encouraged to stay in position, let your faith be tested and your endurance grow. For those that continue to do good, Galatians 6:9 promises “…a harvest of blessing if we don’t give up.”


Reading the Word is…


Withholding the Gospel is Murder