Jesus is the Sunshine
It was a random day in January when cold temperatures reign supreme. But on this particular day, it was sunny and warm. Almost 70 degrees! I was so thankful for such beautiful weather in what is normally a cold winter month.
As I moved throughout the day, I thought about how happy I was because it was sunny. I also thought about how when it’s not as sunny, I may not be as happy because of the change in weather.
I got to thinking about how this correlates with faith. If our joy is based on our environment or circumstances, then we have put hope in such environments and circumstances. However, spiritual maturity calls for our hope to be in Jesus, the true Son and Light of the world!
It would be great to live in spring and summer all year long. But the truth is life is full of seasons. Though seasons come and go, let’s find the beauty in all circumstances holding tightly to the Light of the world, Jesus Christ.
John 8:12 “Then Jesus spoke to them again, saying, ‘I am the light of the world. He who follows Me shall not walk in darkness, but have the light of life.’”