Seems like a lot of the revelations I receive happen during personal praise and worship. This day, I just wanted to praise and not sit. So that’s what I did. And suddenly, I thought about the scripture that mentions God is no respecter of persons (Romans 2:11). Then I thought about how many stories in the bible testify of His people receiving His favor.
However, what attracts the favor of God? Well, the Bible shares that without faith it is impossible to please God (Hebrews 11:6). It also shares that we are righteous because of our faith (Romans 4:3), and not our good works. His word tells us that those who trust in Him will never be disgraced (Psalm 25:3). And the Holy Spirit made it very simple: God is no respecter of persons. He is, however, a respecter of faith.
I started thinking about where I am in life, as I usually do around this time of year, and began thinking about some of my heart’s desires. Some of them I have received, and I am so thankful!!!!! To remember a time when what I dreamed of was simple faith - I could not see it but my faith was a testament to it. And now that He has done it, I can tell everyone, look what God did!
There are other things that I am still waiting on and began to wonder: do I not have it because of God or because of me? God clearly states in His word that we can ask ANYTHING, and he will do it (John 14:13-14). He also says, according to OUR faith, it WILL happen (Matthew 9:29). It also says, if we believe and do not doubt, it will happen (Matthew 21:21).
Without question, God is sovereign. So He can do what He wants when He wants. And He makes it clear that faith moves Him. Even the Canaanite woman received a blessing when she was persistent in her faith (Matthew 15:21-28). This revelation challenged me in my faith even more to ONLY believe. Even if it looks or sounds foolish, which it most likely will be, I want to believe God! I want to take Him at His word. Otherwise, it’s not faith. If I only believe God for things that humans can do, I do not believe in God at all and am limiting His ability to bless me due to my lack of faith in the One from which all blessings flow (James 1: 17).
The next time we desire something purely that will give Him glory, let’s try this: ONLY believe. Even if it sounds or looks foolish, let’s have childlike faith and take Him at His word. Let’s trust Him with all our hearts beyond our human understanding and see God turn a seed of faith into sweet fruit.